(CLICK for) this thing, set up in an old disused ex-Yugoslavian public phone booth, where we opened up the control box of the system and (through a lot of effort and frustration) connected it to our local network via which we sent various voice message recordings of our friends talking about anything and everything. People passing by the phone booth could enter into a stranger's private world in some random moment in their lives, by raising the headphones and listening to the pre-recorded voice message. A mosaic of lines is drawn out based on the viewers navigation through this world of moments captured in voice message recordings.

(CLICK for) the fleeting incoherence of public discourse on twitter... attempt at visualization.

(CLICK for) a project that was born out of me trying to find the connection between urban planning and design and my homesickness and low mood that I felt living in Manchester haha. I generated my own dataset of 170 thousand maps of urban centres and trained a few Disentangled Variational Autoencoder models, to try to understand and unravel the incredibly complex forms and arrangements of the built environments around the world. I wanted the model to learn the analytical characteristics of cities and help me explain why I hated Manchester. I have since grown and managed to find love that hard-to-love dystopian city.

(CLICK for) imagining a human-nature interface. This biotech device, would enable people to "tune-in" to the frequencies and wavelengths of plants, thereby blurring the divide between urban and natural ecosystems. A divide we have manifested artificially through developments in the Anthropocene. This project aims to disrupt exactly this and reestablish our connection to the natural. click for video!

(CLICK for) 70 years of ikea npcs, occupying scenes and spaces, visualized in a long winding interactive timeline.

(CLICK for) The Spiritualist was a 1900s publication on the occult from Edinburgh, that eventually went global, running for over 14 years. We worked with the National Library of Scotland, to try to digitize the Spiritualist archive. All of this was assembled into a website with some illustrations from the newspaper and further information on the subject, but we had to host it at our own expense, so this (click) Observable notebook is all that remains.

now working at @fantamagico of @gigadesignstudio in Milano. ciao!

(CLICK for) a simulation of strange attractors. Complexity out of differential equations. Coded in Three.js and WebGL.

SketchRNN playing with watercolors, because I forgot how to.

(CLICK for) a digital girl we trapped inside a screen and made a telegram chat interface for people of the material world to connect with her, while she looks back at them from inside her digital realm.

currently studying a mfa in computational arts at Goldsmiths, University of London in SE London. cheers!

previously at @fantamagico of @gigadesignstudio in Milano. ciao!

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SketchRNN playing with watercolors, because I forgot how to.

currently studying a mfa in computational arts at Goldsmiths, University of London in SE London. cheers!